Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bird Feeders

As the final part of our Bird study we got into small groups and designed and created bird feeders. We had to think carefully about which areas would be safest for our feeders (were they predator free)and then we had to design a feeder that would be suit. After we had designed our feeders we spent the morning creating them and them we paced them around the school, mostly in the fitness track. Some have been very successful attracting a variety of birds and standing up to the strong winds we had.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Skype 2 with Japan

In the last week of term we had our final skype with Japan. Although we had a lot of technical hitches this time the children at Kojo Elementary really enjoyed our presentation of Maori culture. Again we were fortunate that Keita's mum Mrs Rudd was able to come and translate for us. The girls did their poi dance & the boys did a fantastic haka. Unfortunately we don't have a video of the boys doing their haka, but here are the girls again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Poi dancing for Skype

The girls in room
10 have learnt a poi dance for our skype.
Heres a video of the girls dancing.
Poi is the Maori name for a ball on a cord.
The girls are going to wear Maori kaitaka(tops)
The patterns on the top are called

By Abby

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Making Lemon Tea

We had our lemon tea on the 30th of June. Some people found it was nice on the first sip but then it was disgusting. Mrs Milton made the lemon tea. We found the leaves on the fitness, dried them in the hot water cupboard for 2 weeks,destalked them, crushed them and then used them to make a cup of tea.It was great to be able to use leaves from the fitness track to make a drink. Of course Tahu showed us which ones were safe.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Orakanui Sanctuary trip

On Friday the 26th of June Room 9 and 10 went to the Eco Sanctuary in Orakanui. It took us 40 minutes to get there. We all enjoyed it. We saw Kakas and some of us saw the Riflemen. There were also Tui's and Bellbirds. Tahu, our guide took us to a pond where we fished out little bugs, Jenna gave us cups and polystyrene to charm the birds, Ben took us on a walk and talked about traps and Joanne helped us track the Kaka. Tahu dressed one of our teachers up as a bird(Mrs Garforth) . We all laughed our heads off. There were feathers and wings involved but the one thing that made us all giggle was these GIANT Googly Eyes taped onto GIANT glasses. We left at 2:15 and arrived back at school at 10 to 3.It was a great learning experience and we all enjoyed it.

By Abby, Molly and Jordyn

Monday, May 23, 2011

Look what we have been up to.

Room 10s topic this term is birds birds birds, as you can see in the picture below. We also had to make story cubes for homework,write blurbs about camp and poems about respect. We also have our Nga Mihi that also added colour to our room.

We think our room looks great!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Malaysian students visit room 10

We had some Malaysian students come to room 10.

On the 4th of May 2 men Malaysian students came their names were Ang & Hafiz .They sadly left on the 7th of May.
The next week we had 2 new women Malaysian students. Their names were Sheken & Semin
They taught us about their celebation foods and their normal foods!!

Life Education with Harold

Room 10 were lucky enough to have a couple of lessons with Harold the Giraffe. We learnt about the human body but our main topic was the brain! EWWWWW! We found out that the brain smells like blue vain cheese and it looks like a avocado.

We learnt what makes the brain, the lungs, the heart, the stomach, the small intestines and the muscles stressed.
We watched a film about a boy called Alex, he had some problems with his brainy bunch friends.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Camp Newspapers

We arrrived back from camp tired and weary but keen to carry on working with our friends. Every morning we worked in our activity group to publish an activity group newspaper. They are full of photos, news, quizes and recounts of our awesome week. Come to Room 10 to view them

Camp Waihola 2011

On Monday 4th of April, the year 6's went to CYC Waihola for their camp. It was so cold that you could freeze a melted iceblock! It was a long time until we got there, but we got there in time. When we got to the camp, it was even colder. We all had to pick a bag to take off the bus. Finally we finished that task and we boarded the bus again. Now we were traveling to the John Bull Gully track. The bus was slow so it took a long time to get there. We all got off the bus and got ready to start the track.

The tramp was long & tiring. We had about 4 stops to get there & 2 stops to get back to where we started. Then we had to bike back to camp. Fulton Hogan blocked of the state high way to get us across safely. When we got back to camp we all got to eat pikelets & cream, jam and juice. We just about lived off juice. Then we found out where we were we were sleeping. Finally we all relaxed in our bunkroom. Then the hooter went off & we had to go in to the main hall for a session of search and rescue.

The next day we got to do certain activities like.... the flying fox, yachting, kayaking, fishing, mountain biking and lots more. The one that people most liked was the flying fox. It was massive!!! It was fast so it was over in like 10 seconds. The next day after that we had some more activities like... the confidence course, jewellery making, a treasure hunt, baking, and raft race. Those activities were really fun. A lot of people liked the jewelry making. We got to keep the jewellery which was made of clay.

On Thursday we had a Raft Race. We got to make them out of wood, inflatable tyres and string. When we had finished making them we set down to the freezing cold lake to race them. One of the rafts, some people called the ladder because it was long like one. No one thought it was going to win but it did! The next day it was time to pack up for home. When everything was ready, we got to do a general knowledge quiz. It was really fun- we have had to "bob" for chocolate fish! Then the bus came and we had to got back to school, and unpack everything. Some people got to go home because their parents were there. The camp was really fun.
By Lydia and Callum

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Have a look at this!

In February 2011 we had Cycle Safety with Mr Somerfield!We learnt how to stop and indicate and use traffic lights to keep us safe.

Skype with Japan

Rooms 9,10 and 16 skyped Japan (kojo elementary school) Japan asked questions like 'which one is our national flag'? They showed us 3 photos. The correct answer was 'C'. Room 16 asked questions and we found out that the biggest mountain in Japan was 'Mount Fuji'. Room 9 was next and they showed them our school grounds. Next it was Room 10's turn!!! Rebecca and Lily started us off with netball. Then George and Jordan continued with rugby. They told us that their favourite sport is dodge ball! Sadly it was time to end the skype but we have 2 more skypes to go through. Keita's mum came in and translated for us. Now here are some Photos!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Its all about me!

At the start of this year 2011 we have been working on our me projects. It took a while to get them all finished but we managed to get them completed with a lot of hard work. We had to do the front page first and we were only allowed to have four colours on our pages. We had three subjects and they were: my family,my favourite places and my goals. They look awesome and in the end we all agree that it was definitely worth all the effort.

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