Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bird Feeders

As the final part of our Bird study we got into small groups and designed and created bird feeders. We had to think carefully about which areas would be safest for our feeders (were they predator free)and then we had to design a feeder that would be suit. After we had designed our feeders we spent the morning creating them and them we paced them around the school, mostly in the fitness track. Some have been very successful attracting a variety of birds and standing up to the strong winds we had.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Skype 2 with Japan

In the last week of term we had our final skype with Japan. Although we had a lot of technical hitches this time the children at Kojo Elementary really enjoyed our presentation of Maori culture. Again we were fortunate that Keita's mum Mrs Rudd was able to come and translate for us. The girls did their poi dance & the boys did a fantastic haka. Unfortunately we don't have a video of the boys doing their haka, but here are the girls again.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Poi dancing for Skype

The girls in room
10 have learnt a poi dance for our skype.
Heres a video of the girls dancing.
Poi is the Maori name for a ball on a cord.
The girls are going to wear Maori kaitaka(tops)
The patterns on the top are called

By Abby

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Making Lemon Tea

We had our lemon tea on the 30th of June. Some people found it was nice on the first sip but then it was disgusting. Mrs Milton made the lemon tea. We found the leaves on the fitness, dried them in the hot water cupboard for 2 weeks,destalked them, crushed them and then used them to make a cup of tea.It was great to be able to use leaves from the fitness track to make a drink. Of course Tahu showed us which ones were safe.

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